Sunday, July 8, 2007

Picking up Miles.

Miles arrived early today (don't worry, he is fine) and I picked him up at the Copenhagen airport. His flight was delayed for one hour but they did not post that anywhere so I had enough time to get worried.
Back home, and after a breakfast, we went fishing. Yep. You read it right. We went fishing. After the ordeal Miles had been through on the long haul flight, we figured that he needed to be kept awake but relaxed, and what is more relaxing than angling (with a beer or two)?

The image shows Miles and Lars-Inge wielding their rods down the ole creek.

We had a wonderful time, swapping stories, having a beer more (or two) and I even caught a teeny lil fishy that was released into its natural habitat.

Well home, stories continued and plans are drawn for tomorrow where we will do combined sea trials on the road to see if there is any flaws or flukes lingering in the background. These trials will take place tomorrow.

1 comment:

Measure Twice Community School said...

OH boy, that sounds like the right way to easy into a new time-zone. You crazy guys are going to have such an adventure...I can only imagine. Keep on posting! I love the photos, and can't wait to check as the summer continues!